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Marriage is hard:

What would you choose?

I would certainly say yes. Marriage IS hard. It's also fun and exciting and easier than dating ;)

The hardest part {for me} is that my husband cannot read my mind. If he could, it would make things a million times easier! He would then know when I don't feel like being tickled, when I don't feel like making dinner, what to say when he has so obviously already said all the wrong things..the list could go on and on!

So instead of learning telepathy, we have been working on our communication skills. When I'm upset I have to tell him exactly why. When he prefers doing something other than what I suggest he HAS to speak up. Also i have to give things to God, I cant prevent things from hurting my feelings, but I can give my emotions to God every morning, giving Him control of me. It's getting better, but it's so embarrassing to have to tell the husband that a silly thing he said an hour ago hurt my feelings. We've only been married a year tho, so hopefully it will become either less embarrassing or things will eventually be less hurtful.

What's the hardest part in your relationship and what do you do to make it better?!


  1. I'm the same way Tracy! I have been trying to get better at letting things roll off my back and understanding that Matt says what he means, there are no loaded statements. Men & women are so different!

    Miss you friend! I'm really excited to hear about this news :)

  2. If only they could read our minds right?! haha I wish! For us I would say it is different things. My personal problem is just maybe expecting too much out of him all the time. Like always being perfect... sounds harsh I know but sometimes we can't understand why they can't just do everything right... it is hard to remember were all only human right?!

    1. I do the same thing, I just expect him to always do things exactly how they should be done! Our views are so often different it's crazy!! It's so comforting to know other women feel the same way I do :). Thanks Alycia!

  3. This is so funny - because I feel like sometimes I actually do expect the hubs to know EXACTLY what I want & need, and the only way that would happen would be if he could read my mind, which is totally unrealistic, haha :) I think it's important to remember that the men in our lives can't read our minds, though I'm sure they wish they could even more than we do!

    The Other Side of Gray

    1. Annie-my husband would kill to be able to read my mind..sometimes I catch myself thinking 'why on earth doesn't he know what I'm insinuating!'. Lol, poor guy :)


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