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Young Living Essential Oils

These darn oils are SO fantastic!  With a ton of uses for each one, I am slowly kicking toxins OUT of my home!

They are distilled from plants, trees, fruits, flowers - so much GOODness!

With their Seed to Seal promise - everything is created under their close and watchful eyes, only choosing the best of the best for their Young Living oils!

I highly suggest starting out with their Premium Starter Kit! It comes with 11 oils - and most months an extra BONUS oil - plus a diffuser, NingXia Red samples (seriously, a whole other post needs to be on that!), a roller bottle and a bunch of samples and sample bottles so you can share with your friends and family.  I've listed the kit oils below - and this is the link to sign up!  Email me if you have any questions on the oils, how they work or what I love the most!

The oils included are:

Thieves Vitality - the healthy-keeper. It helps keep the air clean, boosts immunity, and is just the greatest. I make all sorts of goodies using this.

Purification - gets rid of bad odors; I love it in our laundry, smelly bathrooms and on any shoes with leather inserts! It also is great for spot treating blemishes. 

Copaiba Vitality - supports body's response to irritation, it enhances other oils, I've heard it's great for tiny baby gums. 

Frankincense - Incredible for skin and immune systems, eases occasional and minor tension, promotes feelings of calmness and balance (Was given to baby Jesus as a gift. So cool!).

RC - contains 3 different kids of eucalyptus which have naturally occurring eucalyptol (really good stuff), it's great for respiratory comfort.

DiGize Vitality - supports a super healthy digestive system, because everybody loves a content and happy stomach.

Lemon Vitality - amazing as a drop in water, keeps your energy up, gets goop off of surfaces, helps oily skin, helps to cleanse your body. The works.

Stress Away - exactly what it says. We roll it onto our wrists and the back of our necks anytime we want it. I love it for sleep too!

Peppermint Vitality - helps me enjoy springtime outdoors, keeps my head happy, supports digestive system (so good with tummies!) promotes proper nasal and respiratory function! Love this stuff. 

Panaway - so many types of much-needed comfort for your busy body. Your muscles will love this oil!!

Lavender - "the Swiss Army knife of essential oils." We use it for enjoying the springtime outdoors. great for relaxation, sleepy cream, a calm environment for kids, and dry/chapped/irritated skin.


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