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E'rrbody in America is Magnesium deficient.

Okay - not EVERYBODY - but 80% of us Americans lack magnesium which causes a whole slew of problems including: anxiety, bowel disease, heart disease, insomnia, migraines, tooth decay, asthma, diabetes, hypertention, kidney disease, osteoporosis, blood clots, depression, liver disease, nerve problems and others.
Why do we lack so much Magnesium? Because your food is only as rich in the minerals and vitamins and the soil it grows in. And in today's world farmers aren't going to spend the extra cost and time (up to 5 years) to properly treat the soil before planting crops. 
Mineral Essence contains magnesium and calcium and over 60 ionic trace minerals so it is easiest for your body to absorb them. Thanks YL for know what is so important for our bodies and giving it to us! Mineral Essence is also super good for those preggo mamas who are growing babies and stuff. Another mom tip: give it to your kiddos when they have growing pains, they will feel SO MUCH better. 
Note: this stuff isn't the best tasting, I put it in my Ningxia Red or orange juice.

This was the first supplement that I bought from Young Living and it rocks my socks off. After about a week of taking it regularly I noticed my sleep patterns improved and that my attitude was actually VERY good (which is kind of rare, don't judge me).

:) SUPP UP guys.

You can read more on magnesium deficiency here -



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