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Happy & Healthy Kiddos


Our kiddos benefit from many oils, supplements and NingXia too! Young Living has created items especially for our little ones!

There are products ALL OVER the shelves at stores that are filled with proven cancer-causing chemicals. KNOWN to make our kiddos sick, infertile, and wreck havoc on their delicate body systems from the inside out. They know these products are awful for us, they still sell the awful things AND they continue to make more. Gah.

Its our job to read labels and be knowledgeable about what we are giving out children. Our children health starts with us kicking those toxins OUT of our homes! I challenge you to go through your kids products (using the Think Dirty app we talked about) and throw out those ones with nasty cancer causing chemicals, then look up the ingredients in Young Living’s products and be happy!

Ok - Here’s the happy stuff

KidScents Oils Mini Set - 3 pre-diluted oil blends designed just for our littles!
5-ml KidScents Owie essential oil blend
5-ml KidScents SniffleEase essential oil blend
5-ml Kidscents TummyGize essential oil blend

KidScents Shampoo, Bath Gel and Lotion

No toxic ingredients- NOT ONE. Rubbing them down with all this goodness is the way to go! We are benefiting their little bodies!

KidScents Slique Toothpaste

No Flourides, no dyes, no microbeads, not preservatives or artificial flavors. BONUS: It tastes awesome! We used this one before our adult version came and I was actually sad to let Peanut use it, ha!

KidScents MightyVites
These kid-friendly chewable multivitamins are an effective way to provide kids with a full spectrum of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytonutrients necessary for healthy development. No dyes, sugar or other junk.
The MightyZymes are an all-natural, vegetarian chewable tablet designed to help children combat the negative effects of enzyme depletion and address each of the digestive needs of growing bodies. Health starts in the gut! This is the perfect way to help their little bodies focus on all that growing and learning.

And come on - have you seen the kids diffusers? Dino Land, Dolphin Reef and Sundance diffusers! Perfect to pair with SleepyIze essential oil :)



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