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Supplements for a Healthy Bod ;)

Supplements for me have always been tough. I hear stories about plumbers always finding whole vitamins in the sewers, or synthetics being added into vitamins and it scares me, so I never buy them. But getting perfectly well rounded nutrition is hard, especially if you have a slim budget. We do our best to feed our bodies well, but its a good idea to be taking some vitamins and supplements as well :) This Young Living line up is ENDLESS, so get ready!

Master Formula - Full spectrum, multi nutrient complex, providing premium vitamins, minerals, and food based nutrient support to general health and well-being. It utilizes with Synergistic Suspension Isolation process - SSI Technology - and is delivered in three distinct forms. Collectively, these ingredients provide a premium, synergistic complex to support your body.
Naturally supports general health and well-being for the body.
Gut flora supporting prebiotics
Ingredients help neutralize free radicals in the body
Included antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and other food based nutriment
Pre-packaged sachets are convenient to take your vitamins on the go
Now made with Folate instead of Folic Acid - Did you know that the majority of the population cannot convert Folic Acid to usable Folate in the body? That excess can build up in the body and cause other health issues (ICK).

Multigreens - boosts vitality by working with the glandular, nervous and circulatory systems. Made with spiraling, alfalfa sprouts, barley grass, bee pollen, eleuthero, Pacific kelp and essential oils. It contains choline, which is great for fighting tiredness, and is known to help improve and maintain lung function and support a healthy brain! Goodness me, this stuff also contains amino acids, which are proteins, which are the building blocks of life. So yeah. This stuff is good.

Mineral Essence - supports a healthy immune system with a balanced ionic mineral complex enhanced with essential oils. Most people are mineral deficient and we don’t even know it.
PS. Mineral Essence tastes bad at first - but you get used to it and start to love it! I’ve noticed a big difference in how I am sleeping when I take this bad boy - LOVE it!

Super B - contains eight essential B vitamins to increase energy levels and promot nervous and cardiovascular systems. Excellent natural energy, now made with Folate instead of Folic Acid 

Longevity - fat soluble blend of antioxidants promote the body’s ability to handle damage caused by aging, diet and the environment while supporting healthy organ function. Daily FRANKINCENSE ya’ll. Research some Frankincense and it will BLOW your mind!

OmegaGize - contains omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin D-3 and CoQ10 (ubiquinone). Used daily, these ingredients work synergistically to support normal brain, heart, yet, and joint health.

Seriously - we also have Alkalime, which stabilizes pH levels *disease cannot grow in an alkaline body*, we have Life 5 Probiotic, which has 10 billion active cultures and improves colonization up to 10 times - ALL HEALTH STARTS IN THE GUT! - We have Life 9 that has 9 probiotic strains for full-spectrum gut support - MindWise, which supports normal brain and heart function and has generous amounts of vitamin D3 - Thyromin, a specially balanced formula that promotes healthy thyroid function - Agilease, a joint health supplement that can reduce inflammation and PowerGize, that helps boost stamina and performance, sustain energy levels, strength, mental and physical vibrancy and vitality when used in addition to physical activity.

I haven’t tried all of these yet, but I’m ordering what I like and one new thing every month! Super excited to be able to trust my supplement company!



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