Guys. I've started around 512 books over the last few months. I haven't finished any. GAH. Here's just a few - Divergent by Veronica Roth. I'm so excited to actually keep reading this. I loved the movies but feel like the books are ALWAYS better. I haven't read much of this one yet because I feel guilty every time I pick it up. I always feel like I should be reading something that will improve me. I'll finish it some day. Simple Steps to Foot pain Relief by Katy Bowman, MS. I started reading this one for clients who have foot / knee / hip / back / shoulder pain. Basically any pain. I love trying to help my clients more than what they expect, so bits of information I can soak in and pass on are great! Katy Bowman does a great job breaking down the foot and then gives some awesome techniques on things you can do to help your feet. I'm close to done with this one actually, and thats good because it's due back at the library in a few days. Goo...