A month or so ago, my awesome b.i.l. sent me a book written by Francis Chan, called "crazy love". I finally finished it today with tears in my eyes and with a humbled and convicted heart. So many things in that book made me stop and think, or stop and pray...okay, and stop to cry...but the final few statements were the hardest to swallow.
" The fact that the Bible is clear that each of us will stand before God and account for our lives:
For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil. (2 Cor. 5:10 esv) "
With less than two pages left, I closed the book and my eyes. What have I done? Good or Evil...can I be an inbetweener? Yeah, I can...but I probably won't meet God. Wow. I don't want to be an 'inbetweener' anymore, or ever again. I want to live my life as if Jesus was following me around, well, not like He isn't already :). I pray to my Lord, that He will help me to live for Him, to search after Him every second of every day, and to show His love, mercy and compassion to every person I meet, whether they are my best friends, complete strangers or my enemies.
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