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Showing posts from April, 2012

Bye Bye Portland!

Yup!  It's official and true and really exciting! Husband got a new job in Olympia Washington, about 2 hours away.  Its a great new job, enough that maybe when I get pregnant I won't have to work :)  We already have friends there, because that's where Mark lived right after high school and we already have a church, because Mark used to work there.   But its also really scary, sad and weird. Scary to live in a place I don't really know, with only a few friends. Sad that yesterday I had to tell my boss that I'm leaving and we cried a little together. Weird that I'm leaving the only place I've ever lived besides my home town.   Leaving Portland, having an adventure with my husband, being together and starting a new season in our life is what we have wanted since we got engaged, but I will miss it and all the people in it.  I guess over the new few weeks that's what I'll be sharing.  Our goodbyes to our favorite places, and what I'll miss m...

The Conquistador!

My friend {and co-worker} own and run two bars here in Portland, The Matador on the west side and The Conquistador on the east side. Today they got an awesome review for The Conquistador, check it out Here! and then go try it!! I've been there and absolutely love it, the review was right on! Let me know how you like it {after you visit of course!!}

Dear Thursday,

Please be nice to me like yesterday. Oh Wednesday. Wednesday gave me a changa bagel and blonde coffee for breakfast and a delicious strawberry smoothie for lunch. Work flew by on that great day. Husband made me a delicious dinner {with vegetables!!} on this amazing Wednesday. Wednesday provided a good day for grocery shopping, in a not crowded Winco {what!!?}. And then, when we got home, husband lit some candles. Oh romantic Wednesday :). Thursday, please please please be as great as Wednesday.

Weekend in Instagram

You can follow me on Instagram! @tracyevelyn86. :). Happy Monday!!

Fill in the blank Friday..on Saturday again.

1.   Today is a great day because,     I get to hang out with Mark for hours and we don't have to work tomorrow!   . 2.    Tomorrow I will      sleep in, make yummy breakfast, go hiking and set up for church  . 3.   My favorite time of day is      the evening       because       it means I'm with Mark and hopefully we will eat dessert  . 4.  Sometimes you just have to       admit that you are wrong. 5.  A song that I just can't get enough of lately is     Anything on the Coldplay Album 'Mylo Xyloto'. 6.  My favorite accessory is    my pink belt from Target.  I love it with just about everything . 7.   My favorite thing about this week was    going to Olympia with Mark and seeing all of our Olympic friends :)   . Sorry that my Bla...

Reason # 174

Reason # 174 why I über love my husband : When in a car accident, he lets me freak out while he stays calm and collected enough for the both of us and gets things taken care of. Thank God too, because boy do I freak out {yelling, big hand know all that girlie freak out stuff}. If you were wondering, we are both fine. Some girl tried to pull a u-turn in the middle of the road without checking her side view mirrors. Luckily my husband is a ninja, and was able to evade her car for the most part, but she nailed our rear right tire. {by the way, someone else ran into our car just TWO months ago, ridiculous!}. Our insurance, Geico, did a great job in the last accident so we are at least grateful for that and for our safety. Oh, and thank you husband for your ninja skills and your complete amazingness.

Marriage is hard:

What would you choose? I would certainly say yes. Marriage IS hard. It's also fun and exciting and easier than dating ;) The hardest part {for me} is that my husband cannot read my mind. If he could, it would make things a million times easier! He would then know when I don't feel like being tickled, when I don't feel like making dinner, what to say when he has so obviously already said all the wrong things..the list could go on and on! So instead of learning telepathy, we have been working on our communication skills. When I'm upset I have to tell him exactly why. When he prefers doing something other than what I suggest he HAS to speak up. Also i have to give things to God, I cant prevent things from hurting my feelings, but I can give my emotions to God every morning, giving Him control of me. It's getting better, but it's so embarrassing to have to tell the husband that a silly thing he said an hour ago hurt my feelings. We've only been married a...

New Possibilities.

Last week there was a proposition of something new. Something that is scary and exciting. That will change the direction of our life. Our life that is so comfortable right now. So this week we are moving towards turning this life upside down in hopes of an awesomely new season of our lives. More information on this will be available within the next week or so, I'll keep you updated! {no, unfortunately I'm not talking about babies or pregnancy...yet}

favorite things

a few of my favorite things inspired by Jenny's post.. favorite letter is m. favorite number is two. favorite color {today} is pale pink..or dark purple. favorite flowers are gardenias. favorite place is my bed. favorite animals are sea turtles. favorite smell is my husband fresh out of the shower. favorite season is summer. favorite food is asparagus. favorite show {right now} is felicity. favorite candy is sour patch kids. favorite movie is moulin rouge. favorite time is 7 pm. favorite band is backstreet boys {I know I know, I just can't turn them away!!}. favorite drink is a raspberry lemon drop. favorite book is the the kite runner. favorite word is love. favorite thing is snuggling.

Bored and Pinterest-ing

{here} {here} / {here} {here} I have serious baby fever. Is it possible that I can be nesting and not pregnant? Hmm..

Hunger Games..

Should I be as excited as I am about reading the second book in the Trilogy? I guess I will find out this weekend! I will be reading it aloud to my hottie husband on our way to Cottage Grove for the Crocker Family Easter celebration :) What did you think of the first book/ movie or the second and third books? Check out my Goodreads Page to see what else I've been reading!

I miss vacation...

The rest of our vacation week was spent in the sun, eating and just being together. Sigh. I want to go again already!